You & I with The Dragons (60 mins)
A One-to-One dragon mentoring appointment with Caroline to connect more deeply with your dragon work. The following is an example of what maybe covered in a session with Caroline & the Dragons:
Dragon Encounters
With a Dragon Encounters session, you will be guided to connect with your prominent dragon; this could be your dragon guide, teacher, guardian, healing dragon or any other dragons as they feel you require. Caroline may take you on a specific guided mediation to meet and connect more deeply your personal dragon. This is often channelled directly by the dragons at the time or to do more specific work, depending on your requirements and your dragons.
Dive Deep with the Dragons
Here we dive much deeper with the dragons’ connection and is for those who work on a planetary level, earth healing, galactic and interdimensional. In this session Caroline may take you on journey to Atlantis, Lemuria, the Galactic Council and more. There is great scope for working with the light beings which are the dragons, and nothing is left out. Here the connection and frequency is much higher. This work is all about deeply grounding to the earth and reaching for the stars and beyond. If you want to explore something in particular with the dragons, this too can be accommodated.

A Tarot Reading with Caroline is a look at your life, where you have been, and
where you are heading, along with options are available to you.
A reading will pick up the current theme of your life and show you opportunities and possible outcomes. Remember always have free will.
In accordance with the law in a number of countries we must bring to your attention that tarot readings, clairvoyance, mediumship and the like are given purely for entertainment purposes only. No guarantees can be given. The person being ‘read for’ is responsible for their life choices and decisions. We are not qualified or allowed to give legal, financial, medical or any other advice. Use your discretion if you think professional advice is necessary, and seek it from the appropriate and qualified professional. By booking your time slot you agree that you have read and understood the above.
Tarot Year Ahead Reading (90 mins)
What does the year ahead hold for you?
My year ahead readings are back offering you a glimpse of what the coming 12 months may look like. What opportunities are coming up for you, where is your growth going to be, and in which areas of your life? And a heads up about potential challenges you may need to be aware of?
In accordance with the law in a number of countries we must bring to your attention that tarot readings, clairvoyance, mediumship and the like are given purely for entertainment purposes only. No guarantees can be given. The person being ‘read for’ is responsible for their life choices and decisions. We are not qualified or allowed to give legal, financial, medical or any other advice. Use your discretion if you think professional advice is necessary, and seek it from the appropriate and qualified professional. By booking your time slot you agree that you have read and understood the above.
About me
I am, by natural default a teacher, a mentor, and guide. It is a role I have held all my life from being a pre-teen. I am a natural communicator (a chatterbox was a regular criticism on my school reports) whether spoken or written, I need to communicate.
Over the years I have developed this skill, not only to communicate but to hear – fully hear my clients and friends. They know when they have been heard, properly heard, not simply listened to, as something in them intrinsically shifts; and once this happens, they know it and they cannot unknow it. The alchemical reaction has taken place. And then the grow, they heal. They develop and blossom. They find their bravery, their passion, their power, their purpose, and life awaits them like never before.
I am a writer, an intuitive and a sensitive. I am a published author and international speaker, teacher, and mentor. I run my own business and support my husband within his.
My Passion
My passion is supporting people as they discover their voice, their value and their passion.
My joy is witnessing you discover your truth, your power and your joy.
My excitement arises from seeing you blossom and bloom as you take your first steps out into the wider world, knowing your value and worth with a voice that needs to be heard.
How do you get from one place to the other?
With support, guidance, honesty, clarity and integrity. I create a safe and, if necessary, a sacred space for you to be heard in and seen, fully. I open the door and will frequently hold it open inviting you to step through it, offering you another perspective, to switch the lens you have been viewing your life through. And often it is the perspective that is the game changer.
I invite you to shift your perspective, to see the wins, acknowledge the errors, forgive yourself, and move through, carrying all that experience with you. We are always a work in progress. And we are always figuring it out as we go; and that’s ok!
You need to be aware that due to the nature of this work, you may need to take some time in between sessions to process what has come up for you.
Personal & Spiritual Mentoring
(60 mins)
What is it?
I don’t know what it is to other people, but for me it’s all about holding space for you to evolve and grow; grow into the best and most powerful version of you both spiritually and personally.
Power or powerful is frequently a word which jars us. When we think of power, it can give us a funny kind of uncomfortable feeling in our belly and our thoughts can turn it into a forceful negative. Our mind makes the leap that power is bad, (formed from that funny icky feeling we just experienced) power is control (or controlling), power can make us feel powerless and weak. And then we shrivel up inside just a little more.
You have a passion, a dream, a voice, a skill and the world needs you fully in it. You can, you will, and you do make a difference.
You deserve to respect yourself, to know yourself, to value yourself. To be brave, be fearless, be powerful. Let us uncover it together, clear the blocks that hold you back, to heal the fear, and move into a life you love.
My wish is to empower people, wherever they are in this journey called life, to know their value, worth and most importantly, themselves.
Terms and Conditions
By using my services you agree to the following terms and conditions.
If you do not accept these terms and conditions you should not request my services.
You must be at least 18 years of age and we reserve the right to ask for proof of age. You warrant that you are 18 years or above.
All payments shall be made in GBP Sterling.
In the event that I have to cancel your appointment, you will be offered an alternative date and time. If this is not possible then a refund will be offered or can be used towards a reading, session or another workshop / course.
Face to face readings – Full payment is due at the time of booking, via my website
Online readings – Full payment is due at the time of booking, via my website.
You should ensure that you have a stable internet connection and appropriate access to Zoom / Web Conferencing if you require an online reading no refunds can be given where a reading is not possible due to your poor internet connection or lack of access to Zoom.
A Zoom link will be sent to you approximately 48hrs before your session is due. Please check the time zones if you are outside of the UK
Time Zones – I am based in the South of England UK Please check your local time at the time of booking. Refunds are not given nor alternative dates or time offered if you fail to arrive at the appointment time.
Rescheduling / cancelling appointments – We require a minimum of 48 hours’ notice to reschedule or cancel your appointment. Refunds are not given. We will endeavour to reschedule your appointment at a mutually agreeable time.
The parties both agree that the content of any reading shall be treated as confidential and should not be disclosed to third parties without the other’s consent, unless disclosure is required by law.
Legal Disclaimer
In accordance with the law in a number of countries we must bring to your attention that tarot readings, clairvoyance, mediumship and the like are given purely for entertainment purposes only. No guarantees can be given. The person being ‘read for’ is responsible for their life choices and decisions. We are not qualified or allowed to give legal, financial, medical or any other advice. Use your discretion if you think professional advice is necessary, and seek it from the appropriate and qualified professional. By booking your time slot you agree that you have read and understood the above.
I am not qualified or allowed to give legal, financial, medical or any other advice. Use your discretion if you think professional advice is necessary and seek it from the appropriate and qualified professional.
Applicable law
The contract between us will be governed by English law and the courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction, notwithstanding that the questioner may be resident elsewhere.